Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Christmas Eve Miracle

Ah yes... we gathered for Christmas Eve at the Macko Family homestead. As many of us that could were there and those far away joined by phone. Nana made the traditional items while The Husband made his famous pasta with chicken, peppers, onions and garlic - a changing of the guard he called it. The children held up well to the removal of cavatelli from the menu - no riot ensued to my amazement.

Speaking of amazement - Chip stupefied and astounded us with his feats of skill. Can your brother-in-law suspend a spoon and fork on the edge of a glass with a toothpick and then burn away half of it while maintaining balance? Bet not.

The Boy and I rounded out the evening watching "It's a Wonderful Life" before retiring to await Santa's arrival. (Yes of course I still believe. Don't even tell me you don't!) I'm pretty sure visions of sugarplums were dancing in some of our heads (except when some of the bigger kids saw them, they probably looked like juju fruit)

A wonderful and blessed time was shared by all.

Hope you too were able to spend the evening with someone you love.

Peace on Earth - good will to men. Especially our own families.

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