Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Of the Terrible Doubt of Appearances

A flash back for you to March 20, 2009: The Boy's Senior Thesis Exhibit.

Come along and check it out...

here we are on the campus of Columbus College of Art and Design in the Canzani Center

the name of the exhibit: Of the Terrible Doubt of Appearances

the scene inside the gallery

our first piece: "Boccioni On My Bike"

a study of motion and the world viewed through it

some views of the detail...

The Boy poses with his proud grandparents, Bill and Gloria Carpenter

on to the next piece: "Ketchup and Mustard"

(not actually painted with ketchup and mustard - just saying)

now comes "Roundabout"

it doesn't move - but you do!

my favorite "In Her Blue Chair Rocking"

go ahead, give it a push... it rocks

check out the detail

Aunt Diana, Aunt Debbie, Breanna, and Morgan are checking things out - where did Uncle Chris go?

a piece which needs you: "Human Operation"

go ahead and turn the crank - see yourself in the mirror? the piece isn't complete without you

Marshall is checking things out

another movement study: "Moderate"

swing the pendulum

how many Ians can you count in this photo?

a portrait of the artist by Marshall

CCAD pebbles made my me to decorate the appetizer table

I suspect the pieces are available for purchase - contact his proud mother for more information!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Surrendering To Creative Cycles

Time for Secret Four of the Twelve Secrets of Highly Creative Women. Visit the rest of the Book Club Gang through this link!

I picked a nice quiet moth image for this post - thought it fit the idea of cycles nicely what with the whole caterpillar, cocoon, emergence thing!

Here are the keys to Surrendering To Creative Cycles...

I must admit though, I really didn't get into this chapter much.

Learning Patience: I liked the image of fallow soil presented here. I feel that I am very patient in most things.

Surviving the Void:

Navigating in the Darkness:

Watching for Clues:

Trusting in Creative Reemergence:

And that is all the further I got with this post that I started on January 31st at 3:57 PM. Apparently I was EXPERIENCING a creative cycle DOWNTURN.

Or I decided that the book had already served its purpose for me (see the post on risk... more to follow!)

Or I finally decided that the book might be boring me. Not sure as I have not finished it yet.

All in all though, I'm really glad I picked it up and do plan to return to it when the time is ripe again.

And that is how that story ends!

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Here is another episode in the continuing saga of my assimilation into whatever it is I'm being assimilated into...

Okay - I'm really excited so I'm going to talk REALLY fast and probably not use any punctuation and drive people crazy, but this is so cool and I just have to tell you what happened when I went to see John Fogerty in concert near Chicago with my husband and Edwina and John and I went into the bathroom and one of those evil attack toilets that flush automatically (I'm sure you know the ones - rant on that topic later) caused me to lose my beautiful LG Shine phone into the bowl and it got WET and it went all liney and then had a black screen and wouldn't work and I was VERY sad and I told Edwina that I was SAD and that maybe this was God's way of telling me I should find the money to buy an iPhone even thought I couldn't get the reduced price through ATT until March 10th of 2010 and that I've had that date circled on my calender and I've been drooling over them and couldn't stop staring at other peoples and that it was getting EMBARRASSING and then she said:



the world stopped spinning for a moment right here...

and then I said:


...or something like that because I stopped thinking clearly after that point and was just simply on CLOUD NINE for the rest of the evening while I listened to the concert and enjoyed the company and counted how many guitars Fogerty played and thought how LIFE IS GOOD sometimes and then I mailed Melanie a check for a very reasonable amount when I got back home and she mailed me the iPhone and now it is MINE.


Now - what apps do I need?!

Signs of the Apocalypse

1) I've been getting up at 5:00AM every day to be to work near to 6:30AM. Sometimes it's 6:00AM, Sometimes it's 7:00AM, but seriously? Not normal

2) I've joined Facebook after refusing to take the plunge. You know... since I have so much time on my hands even after I blog I needed to fill it. Yeah, right.

I have been assimilated.

The end is near.