Saturday, September 6, 2008

Friday Night Lights

band in formation on the field
Went to a great High School football game a week ago Friday. Willoughby South High vs. Mayfield High. I was rooting for the Mighty, Might Rebels of Willoughby... but I was mostly there for the band!

oh sure, can't see her trombone - which one is she!?
My buddy Rosie is a member of this great competition marching band and plays the trombone. These guys are great, let me tell you! No nonsense here. The formations were fluid and well rehearsed and the music (no sheet music allowed) sounded great. The jazz sounds of Dave Matheney if I remember correctly.

flag corp rocks!
Met a few of her friends after the game and got a very quick tour of the halls leading to her locker. Brought back all kinds of memories of going to high school with her dad Tim. He cracked me up that night - just before the band started to play the School Fight Song he nudges me and says, "You're really gonna like this!" Would you believe it was the tune to OUR Rogers High School Fight Song?! What's up with that?! He says there are only like 12 songs and everyone just recycles them with their own lyrics. I'm crushed. He wouldn't let me stand up and do the cheerleader's dance routine that went with it... some nonsense about embarrassing Rosie. No idea what he means!

I will give a shout out to the Mayfield band as well - anyone with the bravery to feature Black Sabbath in their half-time show deserves some props.

By the way, our team went down fighting to Mayfield. All the kids played with spirit! (And I hope the Mayfield boys didn't get in too much trouble for the three touchdowns that got called back due to holding penalties. Ouch!)

I'm a bit slow in posting this and unfortunately even those of you far away may recognize the name "Willoughby South" after this week. Tuesday, Rosie's school was the scene of a shooting. A young man who didn't want to hurt anyone but himself it would seem. Luckily, the Principal and Assistant Principal ran toward the gun shots instead of away from them and were able to talk him down before any human life was lost. NPR's All Things Considered presented an interview with the Vice Principal that was very well done. I've talked to Rosie's parents and they say she is adjusting just fine - no drama for her. I've been thinking a lot about those kids this week. A pleasant Ohio suburb, nice kids, things like this shouldn't happen here or anywhere for that matter.

Here's hoping that this is the worst these kids have to face this year and in the future.

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